When does worry turn into anxiety?
Anxiety is a feeling of fear or panic that is stronger than worry and lasts for longer. Feeling generally anxious sometimes is normal. Most people worry about something – money or exams – but once the difficult situation is over, you feel better and calm down. If the problem has gone but the feeling of fear or panic stays or even gets stronger, that’s when anxiety becomes a problem.
With as many as one in six young people experiencing anxiety at some point, it is very common to have anxiety.
What are the signs?
Anxiety can cause both physical and emotional symptoms. This means it can affect how a person feels in their body and also health. Some of the symptoms are:
• feeling fearful or panicky
• feeling breathless, sweaty, or complaining of ‘butterflies’ or pains in the chest or stomach
• feeling tense, fidgety, using the toilet often.

These symptoms may come and go. Young children can’t tell you that they are anxious. They become irritable, tearful and clingy, have difficulty sleeping, and can wake in the night or have bad dreams. Anxiety can often be mistaken for bad behaviour. It’s important to look at the root of the behaviour rather than the behaviour itself to work out what is going on.
Why does this happen?
The trouble is everyday worries and fears, which are usually not life-threatening, can trigger the same response so that our bodies respond to protect us as if we were in real danger.
Tips to help
• Recognising and understanding emotions and feelings
• Practising relaxation skills
• Helping students think situations through
• Practising healthy thinking and self-talk
• Applying problem solving skills to life situations that make them anxious
• Reward brave behaviour
For further ideas see Small Steps: Strategies to Support Anxious Children In the Classroom or watch Taming & Tending your Meerkat Brain (Jane Evans TEDxBristol)
Where can I find help?
For schools – Both the school SENDCo and Mental Health Champion have undertaken training on anxiety so seek advice on strategies and programmes of work.
Try the school nurse. Contact them on 0800 0199 951 or
Email: rdash.northlincschildrenscaregroup@nhs.net
A student can see a Doctor at any age on their own. If they are not sure how to start the conversation try preparing them by using the Doc Ready Postcard & Checklist.
Encourage the student to do an activity after school. Look at the North Lincs Positive Activities website to see what is happening in your area.
Relevant Links & self help
Anxiety UK
The Mix – website for under 25 year olds Phone 0808 808 4994 (13:00-23:00 daily)
ChildLine – Phone: 0800 1111
No Panic – Youth Helpline for 13 – 20 yr olds: 0330 606 1174 (Mon – Fri 15:00 – 18:00 Charges apply)
In Hand – Free app suggesting activities to help you feel happier and more in control – for moments of anxiety or low mood.
MoodGYM is a free, fun, interactive program to help you when you are feeling low.
Advice if you are upset by the news – If you are upset by the news, it’s important to know that you are not the only one and it’s OK to have those feelings. This website gives you some tips about what to do if you are feeling sad about what you’ve seen, heard or read.