Future in Mind – services for children and young people’s emotional well-being are changing…
There is a real focus on improving information, support and services for children and young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health. To help with this, a North Lincolnshire Children and Young People’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing Transformation Plan has been developed which sets out the key priorities and actions.
This is a quite a long, complicated plan and it’s important that parents and carers, as well as young people, know what’s going on too. To help with this, young people who attend the Positive Steps working group led and contributed to the development of a summary version of the plan.
The summary version, which is for young people and parents and carers, helps to make sense of why things need to change, what’s happened already, what’s going to happen and when. As well as the content, young people also contributed to the design and formatting.
The document clarifies what we mean when we say emotional health and wellbeing and it outlines the local picture in relation to children and young people’s emotional health and wellbeing. It simplifies the local priorities as to how we can make a difference, which are that:
• We all have a responsibility to support children and young people’s emotional health and wellbeing
• Adults who work with children and young people will be trained and will use and adapt their skills to make a difference
• We will make it easier for the most vulnerable to get specialist help e.g. CAMHS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service)
• Adults who work with children and young people will develop better ways of communicating and sharing info
• There will be better services in the community to help children and young people with eating disorders
• We will develop specialist home support and treatment to help children and young people stay out of hospital (where possible).
It also sets out how we’ll know whether our priorities are making a difference and it encourages young people to have their say through the Positive Steps working group.
If you know a young person who’d like to have their say or if you want more information, please contact or go to the CCG Website.
To access the plan click here.